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When the circle closes, what will happen?

We are looking at the age of the seventh generation coming to pass, we have seen the predictions of the past come true and as such, we as a species must take note if we are to continue.

Many belief systems have prophecies that the righteous will be saved at a day of judgement, but who will be judged to be right and saved? and who cast aside?

We are unable to go back into history and change things done in the past but we can shape the future. Here is where the Indian has the opportunity to take a situation I call 'Zero Point' and open the book.

Zero Point is about taking the place we are at now and declaring it as a definite marker point. That is where the new direction has to go from. Many non-Indians feel an affinity to the Indian, having interests in many aspects of their lifestyle without any prior connections, apparently. Or are they dormant, from past lives?

This perhaps is due to the fact that the great power out in the universe sees that change has to come and a way to help that is to enable the spirits of the Indians to be re-born, by bringing the change from within the people.

The difference is that some spirits are likely being brought back in non-Indian stock perhaps because there isn't the Indian population to accommodate a direct one for one uptake and partly because the stock they are being put into needs to change and from within.

That is borne out because many people with no prior connections to the Indian way of life or traditions, may happen to see or read something and they find that they are drawn to something that speaks to them. They have found the spiritual connection, something just 'talks' to them and their eyes are opened to an authentic way to live.

Having read much about the Indian wisdom and sayings, it was immediately obvious that much of what I encountered made perfect sense. The feeling was why am I wasting my life doing things that are really not worthwhile for people who largely don't care? Why am I not with people to whom I am in tune?

But as a white person, that might hardly make me accepted, although I had one of my greatest friends who was half Commanche. But I think that the Zero Point is at a place where for America, it has to change. The part of society that uses 1/4 of the Earth resources for such a small percentage of the population is unviable.

The so-called 'New Age' was perhaps a first draft of a Zero Point, coming around 20 years after Roswell and other 'visitations' where it was pointed out we needed to change and if we did, free energy was the reward for that. Unfortunately, those in charge chose the road of consumerism to go down. Why? Money. Oil could be sold for money, free energy as a giveaway and directed to be given away by the visitors, as they say, do the Math.

The New Age was led astray by excess being introduced into the movement by external forces to destroy it and make it not credible or acceptable to white picket fence America. The New Age showed that we needed to change, but that way of thinking and changing our ways doesn't keep Detroit rolling cars off the line every minute of every day or oil pumping out of the ground.

If we are to be judged by those that are going to return, we ought to start doing the housework as a species because it is much overdue. Zero Point has to be the way forward in which mistakes should be admitted so things can move on. The Indian tribe was the perfect society model, it needed no money to function, nor taxation. It had no crime and no addiction. How much society should learn from this is very obvious.

The time for like minded people to do something is long overdue. I remember seeing a US Airborne badge that had the title 'two shades of soul' on it, it is what is inside that counts and being on the same wavelength, not the skin colour.

When that circle of the 7th generation comes to closing, it may be interesting to see who is chosen to move on to the next dimension. It might include some unexpected guests.

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Hello to all,

Here's an interesting crop circle of an Owl at left, above is an Aztec bird. So, some may say these are human creations and a circular design might be possible to do, but, that falls down with this example.

This Owl one is not human created, in my opinion as they would need a central reference point in the circle to put a stake and also there would be lots of footprints and trampled corn. There is no evidence of such.

Over here in the UK, there is a belief that the Owl symbolises a message warning of a death. Now this is a strange thing but, a couple of Thursdays ago, my friend passed away on the next day and on the side of the road that Thursday I saw an Owl in the daytime, it looked like it was sleeping. I was with a friend of mine but he didn't see it, so was it only meant for me to see? I have had similar things happen like this, when only I have seen or heard things and others have not.

I thought this rather strange as it is rare to see an Owl in daytime. But it was the second time I had seen one in two weeks. This apparently coincided with my friend becoming ill perhaps when the first one was seen and then being in a transition from this life when the second one was seen, both were seen in different places.

My friend died on the Friday, the next day after the Owl sighting and on a day when I had Sparrows tapping on the back door glass, which they had not done before. I know what it is like to leave the human body, I have done so on more than one occasion, so what you are aware of now, as you look around is your spirit, which is human consciousness and awareness. This is the same as when you exit your body and look down on to it. It is scary at first but you realise you are still functioning and it seems normal then. So do not fear it, you are just a ball of aware energy!

If you look at the Owl design above, it is geometrically accurate, to have done this apparently at night without lights and without leaving a trace would not be possible on the ground. So why are these symbols left in Wheat or Corn crops? Perhaps because the Navajo for example collected Pollen dust from the wheat crops and it is a message from the Star People that is left  in the crop, so that the people know who made it.

I have high regards for the birds, I envy their ability to be able to fly, sometimes I see big birds of prey who have been hit by cars on the road, but tempting as it maybe I do not take any feathers from them, I don't think it would be the right thing to do, beautiful as these feathers are.

This Phoenix design at left is enormous, again there seems to be no central point that would give it away as being human made. The geometry is so good it would be difficult to replicate even in daylight.

A Swallow design perhaps the message here is migration, from planets perhaps back to here?

The elaborate butterfly man design below, it is all very well to make these designs but the damage to the crops is costing the farmer, beautiful as the designs are.

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Spirits having flown?

The Swallows return every year to the UK as this crop formation illustrates.

Spirits having flown the title of the Bee Gees song. The human spirit migrates like that too.

But what if they leave you a sign in passing? I think I had one yesterday.

One of my great friends I had met 20 years ago became Ill a year and a half ago. He was a great person to know, very interested in life, dowsing which I had put him onto and things off the beaten track, like the paranormal, ghosts and UFO's.

I have some psychic abilities and these have developed more in recent years. My friend who was 82, was always dashing about and enthusiastic about learning new things, he often called me three or four times a week to talk about many things, but sadly he suddenly developed a mystery illness some time back and was unable to communicate. He almost seemed to lose speech and became confined to a hospital bed.

A strange thing happened yesterday, I was working at home writing and I frequently heard the back window door glass being tapped, I wondered if it was the birds and filled up their seed feeder twice. This happened about four times and no more.

I had a phone call this morning from an old neighbour of my friend to say that he had passed away yesterday, perhaps the birds were telling me, it was probably the time it occurred. My friend had come to stay here a few times and was considering moving to the area before he came hospitalised.

Make of it what you will but I think that was the spirit looking to move on.


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Summer Solstice Sunset 2016

The Summer Solstice on the longest day of the year is a special day celebrated by Spiritualists in the UK and those with a leaning towards the belief in Earth, the Planets and our place, indeed like the way of the Indian. I was visiting some friends who were in my area on holiday and took these nice sunset pictures. Hope that you like them.

We have a way of thinking here that the colour blue is associated with the Boy and pink with the Girl, so we see nature has arranged these two colours together for us.

There is a festival called the Green Man festival which celebrates the spring growth and the Green Man is represented with the face of a man often surrounded by Oak leaf foliage. The Green Man in legend was a Greek Deity called Dionysys who represented the lush growth of the forest and plants. Here is a typical Green Man representation:-

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Circular references

The Star Ancestors book is continuing to be fascinating reading, seeing how things are connected across the early peoples is very interesting!

So, here in our title picture is a wheat field crop circle from Silbury, Wiltshire, England a very well known area that seems to be charged with cosmic energy. Maria Wheatley, a famous dowser contact of mine, has done a lot of work in this area of the UK and even helped to locate a couple of elongated skulls buried in the Stonehenge area not of Earth origin.

The design is a type that appears in both Mayan and Hopi cultures. This raises two questions, why would someone replicate this here in England? and secondly how on earth did they manage to replicate the design which is around 250 feet across so perfectly from the ground?

The tracks in the picture are tractor or SUV tracks and around 6 feet wide so I estimated from how many times they fitted in to the spaces that the motif, it has to be around 250 feet across, perhaps more.

It was interesting from the book to read how the Navajo gathered corn pollen dust and you wonder if they see circles and designs in their wheat?                               

Here below is another design from Milk Hill in Wiltshire, again showing intricate design. The perfection and size of this design is around 290 feet across or more, it would be possible to recreate this, but to get this level of accuracy in the dark and at night and for what purpose? The makers seem to be referencing one thing, the circle, the continuous shape, the circle of life perhaps, much like the medicine wheel. Perhaps life imitating art?

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So, this week is an auspicious one with the Mars, the Moon and Jupiter inalignment as you will see from the main picture. Another coincidence (I am afraid to say) but I am reading Star Ancestors by Nancy Red Star and from page 33 on a very interesting piece of information occurs relating to Mars.   

The Viking space probe of 1976 took this photograph of the 'face' - many have tried to dispute it as being a face-like representation and try to write it off as an anomaly. (So 40 years on and some people are treating the face on Mars as relatively new?)

However, the Hopi people were given information about Mars on tablets, likely Clay ones, here we see a connection to the Sumerian people who also used Clay tablets to record information and also had Star People visitors.

The face on Mars has often been compared to the Sphinx in Egypt, now the Sphinx is just a giant ornament with no possible use is it? Well, perhaps it has the face of a Star Deity. Like the Pyramids, everything seems to be in a stellar alignment, a giant star map if seen from space. The Sphinx was there before the great flood as can be evidenced from the erosion at the base from stones and sand being washed past it, so that must make it 15,000 years old perhaps? No doubt our resident Egyptologist AdminSue can tell us the date it was built!

The Anunnaki Star People who visited from Nibiru, used Mars as a staging post and Richard Hoagland who worked for NASA on the Viking project believed that there was evidence of an advanced civilisation on Mars at some time in history and was looking to seek information to confirm this, which the Hopi people would surely know. He sought their advice on this I have read.

The pat media and frankly infantile reference to 'little green men' from Mars is wearing thin as a kindergarten level joke that seems to be regularly trotted out to stifle serious debate about extra terrestrial life.

I think this attempt at ridicule is used as a means of covering up intelligent debate and to deflect serious and to make educated people look foolish to prevent them being taken seriously and the truth becoming fact, set in stone might be a poor joke, but the desired effect.

The Hopi history recounts how some chosen people were 'saved' presumably from the great flood, in metal cylinders. Going back to the ancient Sumerian tablets, the late scholar Zacariah Sitchin who decoded many of the clay tablets from the Sumerian archaeological sites found tablet information that the 'biblical' character Noah had an Ark made in the form of what we might know now as a submarine. In metal and not wood as is the usual explanation.

Although this water-rich event occurred long before the bible was written, Noah was said to be over 900 years old when he died and that he was a half human demi-god.

So, we are seeing connections from the Hopi and ancient Sumeria here, regarding the common use of clay tablets for information display and 'metal containers' used to save and support life, no coincidence that large UFO motherships are often of the 'cigar tube' shape then? Not only that but the same information on the flood I am aware of is known in North America from early times and unless this was communicated by travellers from the very distant past it is unlikely to be known otherwise due to the difficulty of travel to North America thousands of years ago.

What we are seeing emerging is that certain people were chosen to be representatives on this planet and perhaps to avoid the 'mistakes' that led to the catastrophic errors on Mars which led to the loss of the atmosphere and much of the 'structures' that were existing and likely the population. The fact that water, although in frozen form exists on Mars supports the conditions for life existing. There is an atmosphere on Mars but it is more CO2 heavy than our own.

Why did the Anunnaki come to Earth? For the Gold, to use to patch up the hole in their atmosphere, sound familiar? the hole in the Ozone layer perhaps ring a bell? 

And this is why there are these flat topped pyramidical  ziggaurat structures in the middle east where they set up shop in what is now Iraq and similar areas in the Lebanon and identical ones also in the Aztec populated areas of South America from similar times.

The Anunnaki were mining the Gold in North Africa before the 'great flood.' Afterwards, they discovered that the flood waters had exposed Gold deposits in South America which were easier to recover.

Think this is tenuous? well, look at it this way, how did the same design of structure get to be built by a culture without stone building or cutting equipment? Then they had to prepare and crane large stone pieces into place and why are 'ancient astronauts' in futuristic flying machines of a type that humans were only starting to create in the 20th century depicted?

And of course, the Granite type of rock they chose to carve these images into is one of the hardest stone minerals on Earth and show no machining marks. Try doing that with Copper tools! (Yes a so called 'scientist' actually believed that the stones for the Pyramids in Egypt were cut with Copper tools which were softer than the material they were cutting, like trying to cut straw with scissors made from wet dough!) 

Some may try and write these ideas off as fanciful, but the historical evidence is there to see. It is all connected and relative.

And the Hopi and other peoples were in on knowing the truth from the start.

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You have to hand it to them?

Here might be a rather interesting connection to Ireland from the Choctaw Indian peoples.

They were never defeated in battle and their 'no surrender' motto may have found it's way to Ireland.

They donated money to the people of Ireland following the potato famine, one wonders whether the red hand of the Ulster flag may come from the Choctaw as the Ulster democratic party use a 'No surrender' motto.

This mosaic on the house of a floor in Ireland shows a celtic designed motif with the red hand design, in my previous post, the connection from Egypt to Memphis in the USA by Egyptian Pharaohs just shows how much of our world is related and indeed here again a connection.

There are so many connections and coincidences I have observed throughout my life. 

The red colour if part of a Choctaw meaning may have been from the application of red pigments to the bodies of the warriors perhaps to give an indication of fierceness or a representation of blood of the enemies and have given rise to the 'red skin name', when it wasn't actually the case that their skin was red and this led to the erroneous term being commonly used.

Perhaps the Choctaw people passed on their 'never surrender' motto and perhaps this was how this came to Ireland. Also the hand is in the Indian greeting representation showing the 4 fingers and a thumb, because there were races of very tall 'Giant' human looking creatures documented through American Indian history, who were violent towards the Indians, the 'Giants' had 5 fingers and a thumb so the showing of the hand was an instant identifier of which species you were from.

You may be aware that a group of 'Giant' skeletons was found and donated to a well known museum but they have 'disappeared' because they tell an inconvenient truth that science doesn't want to be the one to admit to us. We were never alone.

Many first nation people across the world used pigments on their skins, in Africa and Australia, they often used white, perhaps for historical reasons to show a remembrance of when the 'Tall Whites' star people came and it is interesting to note that the original people of the US, Africa and Australia chose to adorn themselves with pigments and that for thousands of years they were likely not aware of each other's races or body decoration.

Either this was a simultaneous accidental occurrence that they independently decided to do this adornment, or they were indeed all visited by star people, the latter possibility is most likely, even if the 'scientists' would dismiss that. We know from the petroglyph cave art that all these three groups of natives have recorded images of 'Star People' on rocks, again examples of these designs often correspond with each other's renditions, remarkable given their disparate locations.

It is becoming obvious to me that many things on this planet are interconnected and the reasons why they are do not sit well with those in authority who wish to keep this knowledge hidden or contained within their own cliques.

They say that knowledge is power, hiding the truth and then trying to deride those who seek to tell it for the greater good shows the level of paranoia.

Perhaps the time of the seventh age is now the time to show the picture in full - to join the dots as they say.

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Does your heart weigh heavy?

It is quite an interesting thing to look at the similarities between belief systems from the ancient times before travel was widespread.

In the past we may have not believed it possible for ancient cultures to travel great distances by sea, the obvious only choice for reaching continental islands.

But we are now able to see that some of the nations possessed  similarities that would seem to be unique or impossible to have happened, except that these things were arrived at independently, by any or all of the five races.

One thing that has always fascinated me are the Egyptian hieroglyphics, one panel I came across recently shows a set of scales and a scene that relates to being judged on the way you have lived your life.

The Egyptians of this era embalmed bodies for the journey to the afterlife and in that process removed certain parts such as the brain and the heart.

The painted wall picture depicts the weighing of a heart inside a pottery jug, as it was believed that the good heart was heavy from the good deeds done and would have to be of a certain weight to allow the person to enter the next life. We know this good deed belief is shared  in other belief systems since discovered.

Another thing you will notice from the above picture is the depiction of two leggeds with animal or bird heads, something not lost on our Shaman at left.

As you will be familiar, the use of animal skins and heads as part of tribal costumes seems to go along with the Egyptian ideas, but the question remains how did the people from so long ago come to the same way of thinking? Was there contact?

Well, the Egyptians were adept seafarers, they were certainly able to reach the UK in ancient times, Scota, who was from Celtic nation stock, from Scottish or Irish descent is buried in Ireland. The Pharaohs that were original stock it is discovered came from the northern parts of the Celtic races which were from Wales, Ireland and Scotland mainly.

Indeed, there is a Pharaoh buried in Ireland at Knockmany but by rights he shouldn't be there.

He had a place set aside for his eventual burial in Abydos in Egypt, in the great burial chamber, but the sarcophagus remains empty there.

Where he is buried in Ireland, there is a carving of a Hornet on the stone, that is because the Pharaoh was stung by such an insect and died, not an uncommon occurrence today. (Today we know this cause of death as due to anaphalactyc shock.)

This King was known as 'Manash of the Sunset' (of the Sun Hawk race) he was coincidentally enough the founder of the great city of Memphis in Egypt, centuries before Memphis in the USA. So was the Memphis name passed to the original inhabitants and was known from those ancient times?

So these two seemingly disparate places and peoples may have some connection.

In the book Star Ancestors by Nancy Redstar, on page 33, there is a mention that NASA enhanced images from the Viking mission (no coincidence that the Vikings settled in Britain?) which corresponded to ancient temple sites in England, Egypt and the US. These images were from the Mars survey. Amazing!

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A Totem for the future

I came across this great piece of design and I was wondering if anyone knew if the symbol at the top was a representation of the Sun?

I have a great interest  in these designs as my late grandfather was a heraldic artist and I used to paint replicas of WW2 Air Force Squadron patches on leather off cuts.

They say a picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words and my artworks like my guitar design tell a story, I think this new symbol does that too.

I love this Thunderbird design guitar strap, this looks amazing and quite a piece of work.

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Slim chance of being caught.

If you ever watch any TV show or film made in the 1970's besides the obvious fashion faux pas, have you noticed one thing?

The people are so much slimmer.

I remember those days as a young boy and slim was the normal, today I look around and it is almost an about face, so why has this changed?

A lot of this is to do with the use of Corn Syrup, an additive to foods that makes you think you are hungry. Also the use of Palm Oil and the like only helps to swell.

I started a test recently with having a 2 inch long sliced up Chilli with my evening meal and this really has made me healthier.

I try and avoid things with Aspartame sweetener and ready made meals, I see a phrase like 'modified starch' and think that's best avoided.

If we go back to the 1800's the largely Bison or Buffalo meat was really the best, no growth promoters, just lean and natural. The same with crops too, just pulled up.

A friend of mine said that you don't see flocks of birds following Tractors on potato field ploughing like we used to, because the worms are not in the ground on the fields due to the fertilisers.

If you can eat natural foods, so much the better. This used to be the old way.

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Part of my research into our recent human origins, the form we are in today and the relationship of humans to robotics, led me to look at the Ancient Sumerian people of what is now Iraq.

Theirs was the first recorded 'modern' society with structure, manufacturing and many of the things we use today like writing etc. 

They recorded their work with cuneiform writing and pictorial records like this one at left.

One thing that I have seen on a number of visual records like this picture is the circle which represents the 'Chariots of the Gods' as Eric Von Daniken wrote about. Spacecraft to us.

The disc also appears in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics as part of their spiritual beliefs. Another thing that I have seen in very old paintings of religious figures is, something looks nearly identical to the Indian Medicine Wheel, which is always positioned behind the Deity's head, often in old paintings depicting Jesus, the disc device is present.

It could not be beyond the bounds of probability, that the Medicine Wheel is also a representation of the Star Visitor's craft, they are said to have brought seeds and to show how to use natural ingredients to make medicines, they are often recorded as visiting in disc shaped craft.

The Medicine Wheel design seems to appear on Chief's Headdresses, so perhaps that is significant, the Chief as leader of the tribe being the point of contact the landing party leader might seek to contact. A 'talk to me' invitation.

It is interesting to note that although America was thousands of miles from the middle east and perhaps out of their travel range for millennia, that the American Indians had long known about the 'Great Flood' that occurred in biblical or pre-biblical times before the European Christian arrival.

So there can only be one explanation, it came from beyond the other countries, from other visitors. The Dogon people of Africa have star maps that are way beyond the range of their eyes, they have accurately recorded positions of stars that could not be seen by the naked eye and they had no telescopes available to record these locations. The reason must be that someone from off Earth gave them this information. These stars they had recorded were only recently discovered in the last 100 years.

So the Medicine Wheel is perhaps a visual message, that the gift of what it represents is from the Star People.

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Encounters with Star People book

I just got this great book through the post which is hard to put down, it is written by a Cherokee / Choctaw author, who researched many stories from the Canadian down to the New Mexico peoples.

This makes fascinating reading and explains a lot about why the US is so scared about admitting the possibility that we are being visited and have been for generations.

Although there are mainly modern (last 30 years) sightings catalogued, this is useful as it shows that the pattern continues to be repeated in the occurrences.

As we can see, from this ancient rock artwork, these visitors are no strangers to our world.

This is a great read and certainly the information corroborates incidents I am aware of and from some of my researcher friends on the subject.

I am now seeing for myself how things in this life connect and the reasons for them doing so.

I am also seeing why some are desperate to keep this knowledge suppressed. As they say, knowledge is power. This is enlightening and powerful stuff! 

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Thursday's child and Tishomingo

There was a rhyme about the day you were on born on I learnt, my day was a Thursday, so it said 'Thursday's child has far to go.'

Well, I have certainly been on a journey, from a young age, trying to work out why I was here and for what purpose. This planet of ours seemed to me at aged 12, as some sort of abandoned experiment, so what was it all for? We just seemed to be making the same mistakes over and over.

On a different tack, I have long been interested in joining the dots and looking at how coincidences are connected.

After many years of research and investigation into the paranormal, UFO's and the like, this journey has led me to find out a lot about the Indian people of America and their wisdom and spirituality. This has been most interesting to learn about and especially how they are connected to things.

Another strange thing was that for years I have played in small jazz bands and came across a song called 'Tishomingo blues,' written by Spencer Williams in 1917, which I have played and sung many times. Recently I was asked to join a small 4 piece jazz band called Tishomingo, after the song.

It was interesting to learn that Tishomingo was a Chickasaw Indian Chief, the last full-blooded one, from what I have read.

So it is strange how this coincidence has come about, now every time I sing this number, I will know that the song has a greater significance, that Tishomingo was a real person.

My journey has been a long one, but I am starting to see it making sense. My journey was never to be integrated into a set, conventional lifestyle that I actually desrired, I have been on this journey where I perhaps spend a short time in places, acquiring knowledge and meeting interesting people and moving on, I see this as the pattern.

The purpose of this exercise, has been harder to define. But I think it has been to acquire knowledge to use to help others with.

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When we were young

We may look at our grandparents as older people, but they were our age once.

In my own experience I have seen the way grandparents have changed over the last thirty years, with the context of new technologies, we have had a dramatic shift. Certainly people tend to look younger and for longer now than in previous generations.

My grandparents on one side had come from around 1900, the other side from 1917, 17 years, but that is a generational interval in itself. They had a 60 or 50 year head start on me.

The grandparents of today have access to technology, that helps to make them more relevant in societies where the family bond is not as strong as it is for the Indian people. Relevancy between generations has shrunk, whereas old meant old 30 years ago, old these days means thinking in a different way and being aware of things younger people are in to.

With a 40 to 50 years age difference between children and grandparents, relevancy can be an issue, or irrelevancy can likely be more of the case. Today this is a big problem, children have access to technology through phones and computers that was a dream, science fiction we might say, 30 years ago when I was their age, that certainly was the case then.

Today, this technology is not only a reality, but normal that children have grown up with from day one.

However, we can learn a lot from people who have been there, seen it and been around the block before us.

This situation confronts the Indian people now emerging technology is available to them, but they should not discard the past, the Indian society built on the past being handed on by spoken word has kept the society and its traditions alive, but the need is to counter 'Reservation Drift,' that is all of this heritage being lost as life is more about existing than enjoying.

The baubles of what new technology can offer is self evident, we now have internet content that a hundred lifetimes would not be enough to view it all. Every 10 minutes, we create the same amount of data that was created in the last 100 years.

If a situation happens when we have to go back to a basic existence, the wisdom of the Elders will prevail and give us guidance to exist in a simple way that respects the planet. Heritage will be the future as I have said before, but this needs to be combined in a new model of lifestyle that can be given to be people outside of the Tee Pee to take on board, the New Agers have gone off a bit half cocked, cherry picking the old ways, what the Elders could do is to create a new model for theses people that everyone could sensibly adapt.

The world needs to be re-evaluated, they way that many live cannot be sustained, but the Elders said this centuries ago, 'Take only what you need.'

With busy, modern lives, it is easy to lose touch with people and we should re-connect before it is too late, because people are no longer here with us.

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I came across a YouTube video of a story in which a number of American Indian actors had walked off the set of an Adam Sandler film I would say comedy, but it didn't seem like it. The news story was about Natives and Racism.

Allison Young a Navajo actress was being interviewed and described what had happened on a film set and it was not good to hear. Anyway, I added my comment about the clip and managed to riall up someone who was to be kind, 'Ill informed.'

It was an interesting experience, the man started to spout off about what he thought he knew about the American Indian people. So, I politely put him right on all the bad information he seemed to be putting out as 'fact.' I am no expert, but plainly I knew more about the subject than he did.

My knowledge is mainly of the Lakota people's history and one of the things I managed to shoot him down with was a 'scientific' paper he quoted and sent me a URL in the message for which claimed that Indians had burned and cleared forests and contributed to climate change.

So I told him, saying that in the Lakota way, that only what was required as a resource was taken and no more. The 'paper' did state of the Indian peoples that, "(They) were very advanced, and they knew how to get the most out of the forests and landscapes they lived in. This was all across North America, not just a few locations." Well, I agree with that.

I had to give this person a brief history lesson on your behalf, so I hope you don't mind. It seemed sad that a white man from England was having to tell a white American what he should know. I told him that he was part of a nation that consumed a quarter of the planet's resources. Strangely, he has not replied. Sadly, most seem to have only a Hollywood eye view of your people.

So, sadly folks, General Ignorance is still very much alive and in the saddle in some parts.

I think that if I was Adam Sandler, I'd be looking for a new agent. The film is called the Ridiculous 6 for your info.

If black American people were being lampooned there on the film, there would likely have been a bigger outcry I am sure, sad to say.

There were plenty of negative comments about the film.

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Red Kite in flight

One thing I like about where I live is we get Buzzards and Red Kites like this one that fly around the area. I think that they are real masters of the sky, they can come down to around 20 feet and then be gone up to around a thousand feet.

The way they find thermals to ride on is very clever, sometimes I am lucky enough to see them flying quite close to the ground, this was a picture I took from a video and the Kite was about thirty feet up over some woods on the edge of a field.

Its the nearest thing we have to an Eagle around where I live!

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Amazing hand crafted work

I found these pictures of some great handcrafted work featuring the Eagle as a central motif.

I like the quilt which is made to represent the six pointed star, it is a very effective piece of design.

The Eagle on the shield is really intricate, if you know who made these items tell them from they are amazing!

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