Thursday's child and Tishomingo

There was a rhyme about the day you were on born on I learnt, my day was a Thursday, so it said 'Thursday's child has far to go.'

Well, I have certainly been on a journey, from a young age, trying to work out why I was here and for what purpose. This planet of ours seemed to me at aged 12, as some sort of abandoned experiment, so what was it all for? We just seemed to be making the same mistakes over and over.

On a different tack, I have long been interested in joining the dots and looking at how coincidences are connected.

After many years of research and investigation into the paranormal, UFO's and the like, this journey has led me to find out a lot about the Indian people of America and their wisdom and spirituality. This has been most interesting to learn about and especially how they are connected to things.

Another strange thing was that for years I have played in small jazz bands and came across a song called 'Tishomingo blues,' written by Spencer Williams in 1917, which I have played and sung many times. Recently I was asked to join a small 4 piece jazz band called Tishomingo, after the song.

It was interesting to learn that Tishomingo was a Chickasaw Indian Chief, the last full-blooded one, from what I have read.

So it is strange how this coincidence has come about, now every time I sing this number, I will know that the song has a greater significance, that Tishomingo was a real person.

My journey has been a long one, but I am starting to see it making sense. My journey was never to be integrated into a set, conventional lifestyle that I actually desrired, I have been on this journey where I perhaps spend a short time in places, acquiring knowledge and meeting interesting people and moving on, I see this as the pattern.

The purpose of this exercise, has been harder to define. But I think it has been to acquire knowledge to use to help others with.

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  • Matt Sanders. This is very interesting that you mention coincidence. We spend our time here on our preplanned path that`s determined before time. We meet old spirits that we know from before time and some new ones as we walk along. We have all done this before and will do it over and over until we get it right according to our plan. Just stay on the path your spirit sets for you and your ancestors will welcome you at the right time. Blackbird

    Like Sue I would enjoy hearing the tune that matches the words.

    • Hello Jonathan,

      I have added a post with an MP3 of Tishomingo, 1 verse of music then the vocal, hope you like it!



    • Hi Jonathan,

      I think you are right about this coincidence fact. I often encounter what I call 'signature' people, like they are the same people, different faces and they behave in the same way, I am recognising those, especially those I know may have a negative impact, I think 'Oh that one's just like X I knew from....'

      I had read that part where come back again and again until we resolve and move past the obstruction.

      I often have this psychic intuition gift when I meet someone, I may not even have to talk to them, just look at them for a few seconds and I will know if I will get on with them or not. Its not about how they look, it is just the vibe, I can pick up their vibe.  

      I will try and get the recording onto a youtube link.

  • It was written I guess for the 1800's era as it doesn't mention the Chief, I will try and get my vocal off the recording I made.

    Here's the version I sing, there are a few different variation, and this is just the chorus, there are verses but most bands just do this part


    I'm goin' to Tishomingo,Because I'm sad today,

    And I wish to linger,Way down old Dixie way.

    Oh, my weary heart cries out in pain,

    Oh, how I wish that I was back again,

    With a race, In a place,Where they make you welcome all the time.

    Way down in Mississippi,Among the cypress trees,

    They get you dizzy, With their strange melodies,

    To resist temptation,I just can't refuse,

    I'm going to Tishomingo, going to Tishomingo

    Where they play the low down blues.

  • Very interesting Matt - it would be great if we could hear that track!

    • Hello Sue,

      I have added a post with an MP3 of Tishomingo, 1 verse of music then the vocal, hope you like it!



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