Spirits having flown?

Spirits having flown?

The Swallows return every year to the UK as this crop formation illustrates.

Spirits having flown the title of the Bee Gees song. The human spirit migrates like that too.

But what if they leave you a sign in passing? I think I had one yesterday.

One of my great friends I had met 20 years ago became Ill a year and a half ago. He was a great person to know, very interested in life, dowsing which I had put him onto and things off the beaten track, like the paranormal, ghosts and UFO's.

I have some psychic abilities and these have developed more in recent years. My friend who was 82, was always dashing about and enthusiastic about learning new things, he often called me three or four times a week to talk about many things, but sadly he suddenly developed a mystery illness some time back and was unable to communicate. He almost seemed to lose speech and became confined to a hospital bed.

A strange thing happened yesterday, I was working at home writing and I frequently heard the back window door glass being tapped, I wondered if it was the birds and filled up their seed feeder twice. This happened about four times and no more.

I had a phone call this morning from an old neighbour of my friend to say that he had passed away yesterday, perhaps the birds were telling me, it was probably the time it occurred. My friend had come to stay here a few times and was considering moving to the area before he came hospitalised.

Make of it what you will but I think that was the spirit looking to move on.


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  • I think there are all sorts of 'messages' out there for us but most of us have lost (or have not yet developed) the ability to receive and understand them. I have had prescient dreams just a couple of times in my life and instinctive 'feelings' about events but there is a lot of psychological static which gets in the way.

    Great post as always.

    • Indeed, I often get a two week warning of events, I try and write these messages down, they often come true. Sometimes they are 48 hour messages, they come true within the two days.

      I remember speaking to a person I knew and I had the feeling he was not well, he said he was fine, but a half hour later, he suffered a fatal stroke.

      I get the 'Great mystery' sometimes I get the idea not to do something or say something and it prevents me from making a mistake or doing something that might lead to a problem.

      I think many of us are too distracted with things these days.

      Check this story of mine out!


    • Loved it!  You have lived a varied life haven't you ... you look very inscrutable in that photo! 

    • Yes it has been interesting, glad I have been able to put my skills to good use.

      I was an extra in the Carl Bridgewater program on CH4 recently, I started looking into that case, dowsing does provide answers.

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