Does your heart weigh heavy?

Does your heart weigh heavy?

It is quite an interesting thing to look at the similarities between belief systems from the ancient times before travel was widespread.

In the past we may have not believed it possible for ancient cultures to travel great distances by sea, the obvious only choice for reaching continental islands.

But we are now able to see that some of the nations possessed  similarities that would seem to be unique or impossible to have happened, except that these things were arrived at independently, by any or all of the five races.

One thing that has always fascinated me are the Egyptian hieroglyphics, one panel I came across recently shows a set of scales and a scene that relates to being judged on the way you have lived your life.

The Egyptians of this era embalmed bodies for the journey to the afterlife and in that process removed certain parts such as the brain and the heart.

The painted wall picture depicts the weighing of a heart inside a pottery jug, as it was believed that the good heart was heavy from the good deeds done and would have to be of a certain weight to allow the person to enter the next life. We know this good deed belief is shared  in other belief systems since discovered.

Another thing you will notice from the above picture is the depiction of two leggeds with animal or bird heads, something not lost on our Shaman at left.

As you will be familiar, the use of animal skins and heads as part of tribal costumes seems to go along with the Egyptian ideas, but the question remains how did the people from so long ago come to the same way of thinking? Was there contact?

Well, the Egyptians were adept seafarers, they were certainly able to reach the UK in ancient times, Scota, who was from Celtic nation stock, from Scottish or Irish descent is buried in Ireland. The Pharaohs that were original stock it is discovered came from the northern parts of the Celtic races which were from Wales, Ireland and Scotland mainly.

Indeed, there is a Pharaoh buried in Ireland at Knockmany but by rights he shouldn't be there.

He had a place set aside for his eventual burial in Abydos in Egypt, in the great burial chamber, but the sarcophagus remains empty there.

Where he is buried in Ireland, there is a carving of a Hornet on the stone, that is because the Pharaoh was stung by such an insect and died, not an uncommon occurrence today. (Today we know this cause of death as due to anaphalactyc shock.)

This King was known as 'Manash of the Sunset' (of the Sun Hawk race) he was coincidentally enough the founder of the great city of Memphis in Egypt, centuries before Memphis in the USA. So was the Memphis name passed to the original inhabitants and was known from those ancient times?

So these two seemingly disparate places and peoples may have some connection.

In the book Star Ancestors by Nancy Redstar, on page 33, there is a mention that NASA enhanced images from the Viking mission (no coincidence that the Vikings settled in Britain?) which corresponded to ancient temple sites in England, Egypt and the US. These images were from the Mars survey. Amazing!

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  • Don't laugh but this little girl from a council estate had aspirations as a child to be an egyptologist - as soon as I was able to join (and allowed out to) the public library I read every book I could find on ancient Egypt.  I always liked the concept of the heart being weighed against the Feather of Truth.  The simple ideas are the best, like Hippocrates and 'do no harm'.  We don't need biblical superstitions and 'hell and brimstone' to be led towards honourable lives.

    The Egyptians were great travellers and their own stories told of journeys to far distant lands.  The 'experts' insist that the South American pyramids are not connected but I have always had doubts about that.  Great blog!

    • Thanks Sue, funny, but I ended up on an estate for 4 years! I always thought the Pyramids and the Egyptian Pharaoh culture had more to it,

      3345044?profile=originalThe Abydos lintel over the door to the burial chamber in one of the Pyramids is verified at thousands of years old, yet depicts things we only know of now, Helicopter, Jet aircraft, UFO.

      The south American pyramids are said to be from the time that the Annunaki expanded from their base in Sumeria (Iraq) and set up shop there to harvest gold that had been exposed after the great flood, how otherwise could the same pattern Ziggaurats appear in Iraq and Aztec locations? The American Indians have knowledge of the great flood too.

      There are pyramids on 5 continents. The more we learn, the more I think these 'experts' are self important puff adders, who big each other up and sit around in Universities telling each other how good they are. Reading forbidden archaeology by Michael Cremo and looking at Lloyd Pye's videos on hominids does make me think we are being told a version of history that doesn't add up, when a 'modern' human skeleton is found in a 300 million year old coal seam and forensically authenticated human footprints are found alongside Dinosaur tracks, it can only mean 'science' is wrong. They say modern humans are only 8 million years old. We did not evolve from Chimpanzees for sure. There are other 'space' related buildings in the Lebanon and a block of stone so big it could not be moved by any crane today. The stone is not from the area it is in.

      The fact that an Egyptian Pharaoh travels to Ireland in those ancient times is incredible. The fact that they even know of Ireland is incredible, but the truth is that the early stock of Pharaohs are from British / Celtic genetic origin 70% the other 30% can only be off planet. They had either blonde, light brown or red hair and blue or green eyes mostly. Their origins are on a lost part of the Celtic lands lost in the seas.

      The Afrocentrics say otherwise, trying to put forward theories that the Pharaohs were black African, but that influence is from a far later dynasty, the originals were Celtic and of course Stonehenge was only recently built at this time 5000 years ago. Maria Wheatley a dowser, found elongated skulls in the Stonehenge area and these also appear in South America and other places and their origins are not from Earth.

      These religious ideas have been taken out of context, mis-translated and adapted to suit various times and regimes, only by going to the uncorrupted orib=ginal sources like Sumerian tablets, Egyptian hieropglyphs and the American Indian spiritual tradition, can we learn the authentic and true meanings.

      One of my book projects I researched for was the origins of humans and robots from around 11 thousand years ago to the present and into the future. Part of this research led me to look at the human brain and why it is different, how it works, how a computer works and the comparisons.

      3345058?profile=originalHere is a 'robot' from a Sumerian cylinder seal which depicts the story the 'epic of Gilgamesh,' Gilgamesh a half human, half deity King. The 'Robot' guarded the tree of life in the garden of Eden (Edin as the original states). This seal is over 5000 years old and is in the Berlin museum. A modern equivalent Sentry robot like the old one shown here was developed during the Vietnam war in 1965 called 'Shaky'.

      I think that the tree was planted by the Annunaki to provide nutrients and fruit to the Annunaki landing party to help them adapt to live on Earth as their home planet was slightly different environmentally. They modified seed crops here which we still use today. We are an intervention species, our 3rd chromosomal pair is fused which can only be done by external and artificial means. It is not found in any other species on Earth, including our so-called 'Primate cousins' who aren't.

      This tree was referred to as 'The tree of life' that Eve supposedly urged Adam to taste the fruit from. This is millennia before the bible. The deal was that the humans like us were created to live a set number of years - 70, whilst the Annunaki enjoyed 900 plus years in to the thousands, 'Biblical' figures such as Noah and Methusalah live to around 950 years because they were human / Annunaki 50/50 hybrids. In fact these people were pre-Biblical by millennia.

      So, looking at the American Indian books on their beliefs, I can see that 'skin walkers' (shape shifters), mystical experiences, encounters and contact with star people is true, but it is something that people outside can't 'control.' That is a problem when people see reports of 'visitors' in UFO disc or other craft in our skies and landed.

      A problem for those 'in charge' who are clinging to a window ledge with a tenuous grip on 'being in charge.' The obvious superior technology on display by the visitors, only confirms to those of us who have experienced contact with these visitors (I am one, C.E.1,2&3) that they are real. The paranoid and delusional authoritarians who try and tell us otherwise and enforce their views by ridiculing and media manipulation are losing their grip and frankly desperate to avoid a perceived panic of their subjects.

      The time of the seventh generation will come as the American Indians predict and then these visitors will assist us in the right direction where before they have observed a non-interference policy. They came before they will come again, history will repeat!

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