We are looking at the age of the seventh generation coming to pass, we have seen the predictions of the past come true and as such, we as a species must take note if we are to continue.
Many belief systems have prophecies that the righteous will be saved at a day of judgement, but who will be judged to be right and saved? and who cast aside?
We are unable to go back into history and change things done in the past but we can shape the future. Here is where the Indian has the opportunity to take a situation I call 'Zero Point' and open the book.
Zero Point is about taking the place we are at now and declaring it as a definite marker point. That is where the new direction has to go from. Many non-Indians feel an affinity to the Indian, having interests in many aspects of their lifestyle without any prior connections, apparently. Or are they dormant, from past lives?
This perhaps is due to the fact that the great power out in the universe sees that change has to come and a way to help that is to enable the spirits of the Indians to be re-born, by bringing the change from within the people.
The difference is that some spirits are likely being brought back in non-Indian stock perhaps because there isn't the Indian population to accommodate a direct one for one uptake and partly because the stock they are being put into needs to change and from within.
That is borne out because many people with no prior connections to the Indian way of life or traditions, may happen to see or read something and they find that they are drawn to something that speaks to them. They have found the spiritual connection, something just 'talks' to them and their eyes are opened to an authentic way to live.
Having read much about the Indian wisdom and sayings, it was immediately obvious that much of what I encountered made perfect sense. The feeling was why am I wasting my life doing things that are really not worthwhile for people who largely don't care? Why am I not with people to whom I am in tune?
But as a white person, that might hardly make me accepted, although I had one of my greatest friends who was half Commanche. But I think that the Zero Point is at a place where for America, it has to change. The part of society that uses 1/4 of the Earth resources for such a small percentage of the population is unviable.
The so-called 'New Age' was perhaps a first draft of a Zero Point, coming around 20 years after Roswell and other 'visitations' where it was pointed out we needed to change and if we did, free energy was the reward for that. Unfortunately, those in charge chose the road of consumerism to go down. Why? Money. Oil could be sold for money, free energy as a giveaway and directed to be given away by the visitors, as they say, do the Math.
The New Age was led astray by excess being introduced into the movement by external forces to destroy it and make it not credible or acceptable to white picket fence America. The New Age showed that we needed to change, but that way of thinking and changing our ways doesn't keep Detroit rolling cars off the line every minute of every day or oil pumping out of the ground.
If we are to be judged by those that are going to return, we ought to start doing the housework as a species because it is much overdue. Zero Point has to be the way forward in which mistakes should be admitted so things can move on. The Indian tribe was the perfect society model, it needed no money to function, nor taxation. It had no crime and no addiction. How much society should learn from this is very obvious.
The time for like minded people to do something is long overdue. I remember seeing a US Airborne badge that had the title 'two shades of soul' on it, it is what is inside that counts and being on the same wavelength, not the skin colour.
When that circle of the 7th generation comes to closing, it may be interesting to see who is chosen to move on to the next dimension. It might include some unexpected guests.
Yes we have to move forward. The consumer society we live in is a falsehood, all part of a self perpetuating money-go-round that is only possible because of a few rich countries and vested interests in big business and big money.
I saw a youtube video this week of abandoned parts of Detroit which was the American automobile industry's breadbasket, it is now more of a basket case and much of it is abandoned. If this is a barometer of America's wealth, it is worrying. Why is there so much defence spending? An inordinate amount of money is spent on US Defence systems and equipment, unless there is some perceived threat they have not told us about?
We were offered the gift of free and clean energy in the 1950's from external visitors in exchange for abandoning our destructive ways, but this was not taken up.
If some sort of catastrophe hits us, the Indian peoples have the knowledge to survive when 'society' fails, it is also in their teachings that if something happens, that they will be saved by their returning star ancestors.
Zero point is their opportunity to put forward a way forward that is built on their wisdom and knowledge and to reconcile the least destructive way of living in a 'modern' way that is with our need for personal transport. It would be the blueprint for the future of the species.
We are now facing a situation where by the end of 2026, 35% of all jobs, maybe more will have been lost to automation, a Basic Income Guarantee payment has to come in and provide a living allowance, it is cheaper than the Social Security system is now.
The American Indian people should be at the forefront of helping our species meet these future challenges. It has been written so in the past that they will provide the answers. Trilions of Dollars have been thrown at Africa as some sort of 'apology' for the guilt of slavery, yet the same gift has not been made to the American Indian people for their losses of land and people. People like Russell Means fought to raise the profile for his people and it needs a new figure head to carry on that work.
Johnny Cash, the purveyor of 3 chords and the truth sums it up in his quote below. It is time for the like-minded people to work together, regardless of who they are as we all have a common interest in survival, as you say.
Excellent Matt, thank you.
Aren't we all at Zero Point? There is nothing we can do about our individual or collective pasts. All we can do is try to make things better today and preserve our planet for the future. Indigenous people lead the way - and I follow.