The Medicine Wheel symbol may have a hidden meaning?

Part of my research into our recent human origins, the form we are in today and the relationship of humans to robotics, led me to look at the Ancient Sumerian people of what is now Iraq.

Theirs was the first recorded 'modern' society with structure, manufacturing and many of the things we use today like writing etc. 

They recorded their work with cuneiform writing and pictorial records like this one at left.

One thing that I have seen on a number of visual records like this picture is the circle which represents the 'Chariots of the Gods' as Eric Von Daniken wrote about. Spacecraft to us.

The disc also appears in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics as part of their spiritual beliefs. Another thing that I have seen in very old paintings of religious figures is, something looks nearly identical to the Indian Medicine Wheel, which is always positioned behind the Deity's head, often in old paintings depicting Jesus, the disc device is present.

It could not be beyond the bounds of probability, that the Medicine Wheel is also a representation of the Star Visitor's craft, they are said to have brought seeds and to show how to use natural ingredients to make medicines, they are often recorded as visiting in disc shaped craft.

The Medicine Wheel design seems to appear on Chief's Headdresses, so perhaps that is significant, the Chief as leader of the tribe being the point of contact the landing party leader might seek to contact. A 'talk to me' invitation.

It is interesting to note that although America was thousands of miles from the middle east and perhaps out of their travel range for millennia, that the American Indians had long known about the 'Great Flood' that occurred in biblical or pre-biblical times before the European Christian arrival.

So there can only be one explanation, it came from beyond the other countries, from other visitors. The Dogon people of Africa have star maps that are way beyond the range of their eyes, they have accurately recorded positions of stars that could not be seen by the naked eye and they had no telescopes available to record these locations. The reason must be that someone from off Earth gave them this information. These stars they had recorded were only recently discovered in the last 100 years.

So the Medicine Wheel is perhaps a visual message, that the gift of what it represents is from the Star People.

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  • Aho Matt. I learned as a child that we are all one people. We are joined through spirit but the tricksters cause a divide and a sort of masking of our memories from before time. We are star dust as are any others that share the universe. My grandmother (back to elders) told us that our medicine and everyone else's lived in a wheel together and it represents everything that ever was, everything that is and everything that will be. I incorporate my medicine in everything I bead. I have never looked at it as it is presented in your article. Thank you. Blackbird

    • Thanks Jonathan, I saw from the stories in the Encounters with Star people how the people were visited by different Star People 'astronauts' for a better word. Some where as benevolent and some not.

      Having read much on the subject of the 'off planet' races, we are seeing patterns of behaviour emerge. No doubt with their advanced technologies, they can trick us, I think there are various races from outside competing for attention for those in charge on this Earth and their intentions are not always for our best interests.

      I have a few pieces of meteorite I have collected and I marvel at where these may have come from 'out there,' how long they have been travelling and what it was like where they came from. These pieces have the same elements as on this planet but elements which do not occur together as in the pieces I have. They must have come from a place like this to be composed so.

      I read an Indian proverb that said something like 'you already have everything in you to succeed' so I guess that echoes what your Grandmother has said to you, I think like your beadwork you put 'your vibe' into everything you touch, I remember I repaired a guitar that belonged in the past to Pete Townshend of the Who, a long time after he owned it, but I held that guitar and considered the 'vibe' he may have transferred into it from his energy of playing music. I hoped that some of the greatness might have been transferred out!

      If we go back to coincidences from an earlier reply of yours, regarding Pete Townshend, he and I share the same birthday, years ago I worked in London, England and a few years back found out that there had been a music club over the shop I worked in, where he had played with the Who.

      I often find that people I really connect with I sadly do not get to meet up with very often. Throughout my life I have often connected and had friendships with people often 20 or more years older than myself, I find them interesting. I find what you say is very interesting to especially the wisdom that your elders have passed on to you.

      Going back to the wheel, when you look at these diverse wheel images, they have come from peoples I would say mainly without knowledge of each other so for these images to turn up like this must not be a mere coincidence, perhaps they have a factual origin.

      I find it strange that you can go back to religious texts or historic like the Sumerian clay tablet information and visitors from other worlds seem to be openly discussed, but the Govt. seems determined to deny the by now very obvious existence of these visitors.

      This is a theme in the Encounters with start people book.

      Many thanks


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