Crazy Horse

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  • Gracie G Carson~Doughty April 18, 2016 at 9:37pm
    I am an author. I am not quite confident about my Indigenous Blood. I could tell you my reasons, but that's why I'm writing a series. Besides, you many think me crazy, or you might just find out & hear who my grandfather's grandfather was, and really hate me! It really bothers me thinking about it. Anyway I wanted to comment on this photo that you have here. I had a moment of clarity one time and I believe that all religions have a bit of truth to them. If you read Crazyhorse's words ( I'm sure you not only read them, but felt the warmth in your heart). And if you know what the Bible prophesies are about in the end of days, After the horn is blown) then don't you think that maybe God Our Creator, (to some Buddha), etc. and most of mankind believe in The Creator, A Higher Power? Shoot, maybe He visited all the Indigenous People around the world at different times. After all, we are all the Creators children!
    Why are folks so hateful when someone believes differently? It's an angry human to assume that their beliefs are the only correct path. This is a teaching land. Here to teach us and prepare us. But only if you learn by mistakes and wisdom. Stay your Path! Wado!
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