heritage (1)

American Indian Heritage Month

As a non-Native person, how do I feel about this?  I have always been on the periphery of my own culture, saddened by the disappearance of the land under concrete and steel; by the destruction of wildlife habitats leading to diminishing populations; and by the prevalence of greed and cruelty.

I have discovered that I feel great empathy with the American Indian view of the world, especially its emphasis on protecting the Earth and acknowledging the kinship of all living things.   Indigenous peoples across the world are leading the way in resisting oil pipelines, mining, fracking and forest clearance, and those of us who also care need to follow that lead.

Who do I most admire?  Of the past, I think it has to be Geronimo because he is such a powerful symbol of fighting spirit.  Although he laid down his arms he never “surrendered” and he survived to old age within an alien culture.

Of the present: Leonard Peltier for his steadfastness in an unjust situation which would have driven most men mad with anger and despair; and the highly intelligent and talented Frank Waln who is such a positive role model for young people.

It is a privilege for me to be a member of this network and this month I too will be celebrating the incredible richness of American Indian culture, history – and future.  The rich, greedy and powerful of my country committed a grievous wrong when they took America by force.  I cannot turn back the clock but I can stand in the right place now.

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Welcome sisters and brothers