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  • Completely horrific & terrifying " What theses young women went through & endured" my heart goes out to family and friends my Condolences ❣️

  • Professional unpretentious investigators. Not the popular belief, but it is what it is.  They did covered all bases, and more, and from those shown in this film these cases got top shelf treatment. Still, it took too long to commit. Now, they can't let dealing with this known phenomenon go cold. Got to keep a fire under them. Prevent the next one. It is much easier. exLEO  Oh And that guy Cody is going to be eligible for parole at age 47. I'm 74. That's a bad sentence. He won't get well. He is "without remorse". A psychopathic personality by his own admission. There is no reason to believe he will not do this again.  Parole Plan: Exploding chip at brain stem, linked chip in penis. Well he would have a choice. --- good film HOPE

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