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Excerpt from "Nox"

Excerpt from

The air was still. As she had done with the sweat lodge itself, Haja first would cleanse the medicine circle, and invite in energies to protect and strengthen the people present for this healing.  Husu handed her the eagle feather, and the abalone shell in which he had placed a few fronds of cedar.  He lifted a glowing ember from a clay pot with a utensil made of antler, and placed it in the shell. The aromatic smoke rose up and brought the scent of ancient wisdom to those around the wheel, and all the family around them; it embraced and consecrated the hilltop and the village beyond. 

Haja wafted the smoke upward, singing thanks to Grandfather Sky, to the clouds and the stars; downward, she brushed the ground and sang thanks to Grandmother Earth.

All our mothers, all our fathers, Grandfather Sky, Grandmother Earth,

Guide our feet on this path.

We begin today, with this dawn, in this place, with these ones we love around us.

We ask for strength, as we lead our children and ourselves through the darkness.

We ask for wisdom and compassion, as we learn to heal ourselves, and each other.

We give thanks for the blessings of the earth and a home to shelter our children and our elders.

We give thanks for the warriors and exiles who have come back to us, and those who stood by us in the face of death.  We honor the memory of so many we have lost.

 All our mothers, all our fathers, Grandfather Sky, Grandmother Earth,

Bless these ones who seek into the darkness. Heal them and bring them safely home. 

Grandmother Earth is our beginning; she gives us life; she gives us what we need to live; she guides us and teaches us to live with wisdom, honor and compassion.  Inside her darkness, with gratitude, we go back to the beginning, to the source of life.  It is a sacred place.  It is a place to give thanks. In that darkness, we pray for each person to find what they need for their journey. 

We begin today, with this dawn, in this place, with these ones we love around us.

Guide our feet on this path.

All our mothers, all our fathers, Grandfather Sky, Grandmother Earth,

We thank you.

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Cym Aros

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