I came across this interesting picture recently, of an artefact from ancient Egypt.
I've been working through a pile of information regarding the Atlantis connection and it is quite amazing. What I am finding is written evidence from centuries back that relates to our 'recent' human origins. I am having to write up and then literally cut all the information out and manually reassemble it so I can get the right order of things.
Quite a job but I know it is going to be worth it.
One thing I came across today is that the name 'Hopi' means peaceful people, as does the name 'Lakota.' There are many connections!
So, going back to the picture, the feathers are significant. Or I think they will be when I put my article together and we see the connections, what is incredible is that many Indian people may already know parts of the information I am looking at, but now we can show a definite physical link to things that were written down centuries back in other cultures which proves just how valuable the Indian tribes people are, as they have a continuity of heritage from the ancient world to today.
According to Hopi heritage, there were two races that were on our planet thousands of years back, the Serpent people and the feather people, the Hopi allied to the Feather people and perhaps that is one reason why the Indian peoples have the symbol of the feather as an important symbol.
The feather is usually regarded as a symbol of courageous acts, maybe also a remembrance of the Feather People who still visit.
Amazing stuff!