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2. Confiscated Bow (m)
3. Whirlwind (m)
4. White Face Sun (f)
5. Light Hair (f)
6. Whip (f)
7. Her Sacred Blanket (f)
8. Bad Hand, or ring (m)
9. Son of Wing (m)
10. Audacious Bear (m)
11. First (f)
12. Minnikowoju win (f)
13. Her Good Cloud (f)
14. Wooden Core (f)
15. Beaver Woman (f)
16. Male Crow (m)
17. Handsome (f)
18. Her Good Cloud (m)
19. Slippery Hide (m)
20. White Haired Bear (m)
21. Scarlet White Buffalo (f)
22. Distrust Ahead (m)
23. Comes Last (m)
24. Dogskin Necklace (m)
25. Weasel (m)
26. Brown Turtle (m)
27. Cannu (m)
28. Arousing Squirrel’s Mother (f)
29. Arousing Squirrel
30. Feather Man (m)
31. Use Horn For Toilet (m)
32. Rattler (f)
33. Brown (m)
34. High Hawk (m)
35. High Hawk’s Mother (f)
36. Bring Earth To Her (f)
37. WhirlWind Bear (m)
38. Appears Twice (m)
39. Handsome (f)
40. Blind (f)
41. White Day (f)
42. Son of White Day (m)
43. Wears Calfskin Robe (m)
44. Bad Owner Without Rope (m)
45. Mrs. Bad Owner Without Rope (f)
46. Bad Owner’s Mother (f)
47. Black Hawk (m)
48. Cheyenne Woman (f)
49. Weasel Bear (m)
50. Wounded Hand (m)
51. Battle Woman (f)
52. Loud Voice Thunder (m)
53. Elk Tooth (f)
54. Wm. Horn Cloud (m)
55. Nest (f)
56. Mrs. Wm. Horn Cloud (f)
57. Kills Who Stands In Timber (m)
58. Mrs. Kills In Timber (f)
59. Fools Bear (m)
60. White Woman (f)
61. Bad Spotted Eagle (m)
62. Yellow Bird (m)
63. Scarlet Otter (f)
64. Long Bull (m)
65. Burnt Thigh (f)
66. Sherman Horn Cloud (m)
67. Mrs. Dewey Beard (f)
Enumeration of persons from the Bald Head Band:
1. Brown Woman (f)
2. Bird Shakes Itself (m)
3. Brown In The Ears (m)
4. Son of Brown In The Ears (m)
5. Knife Scabbard/Kills We (m)
6. Mrs. Knife Scabbard (f)
7. Wolf Ears (m)
8. Good Boy (m)
9. Feather Earrings (m)
10. Son of Feather Earrings (m)
11. Mrs. Little Bull (f)
12. Close To Lodge (m)
13. Young Deer (m)
14. Shoot With Hawk Feathers (m)
15. Mrs. Shoots With Hawk Feathers’ mother (f)
16. Red Eagle (m)
17. Ghost Horse (m)
18. Kills (m)
19. White Horse (m)
20. Log (m)
21. Day (m)
22. Male Eagle (m)
23. His War (m)
24. Brown Hoop (m)
25. Mrs. Male Eagle (f)
26. Peaked (m)
27. Girl (f)
28. Shoots The Bear (m)
29. Shoots The Bear’s mother (f)
30. Small Bodied Bear (m)
31. Scarlet Calf (f)
32. Son of Scarlet Calf (m)
33. Kills Assiniboine (m)
34. Kills Crow Indian (m)
35. Brown Bull (m)
36. Mrs. Brown Bull (f)
Enumeration of persons belonging from Cherry Creek District, who were also slaughtered with Big Foot Band, 1890.
1. Strong Fox (m)
2. Brown Leaf (f)
3. Successful Spy (m)
4. Charger (m)
5. Battle Leaf (f)
6. Runs Off With Horses (m)
7. Unintentionally Brave (m)
8. Grey In The Eyes (m)
9. Good Enemy (f)
10. Scatters Them (m)
11. Wind (f)
12. White Hat (m)
13. Used For Brother (f)
14. Unafraid Of Camp (m)
15. Benefactress (f)
16. Brown In Ears (f)
17. White Dog (m)
18. Sacred In Appearance (m)
19. Red Horn (m)
20. Good Hawk (m)
21. Her Red Horse (f)
22. Wing Eagle (m)
23. Shot At Accurately (m)
24. Son of Shot At Accurately (m)
25. Wounded Hand (m)
26. Clown Woman (f)
27. Loud Voice Thunder (m)
28. Elk Creek (m)
29. Have Scarlet (f)
30. Speckled Chief (m)
31. Pretty Voice Elk (m)
32. Good Bear (m)
33. Cotton Wood (m)
Enumeration of persons from the Hunkpapa Band of Standing Rock Reservation, who were subsequently dead of wound, after the battle of Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890.
1. Runs With Fussy Hair (m)
2. Mrs. Eagle Hawk (f)
3. Dependable (f)
4. Mrs. Stands With (f)
These were wounded at the Big Foot Massacre, but lived:
1. Looks Back (f)
2. Bear Gone (f)
3. Turns Back (f)
4. Red Fish (m)
These are Hunkpapa who were slaughtered outright with Big Foot band:
1. Ashes (m)
2. Breaks Arrow With Foot (m)
3. Bird’s Belly (f)
4. Brings Choice (m)
5. Sacred Face (f)
6. Swift Bird (m)
7. Flying Hawk (m)
These persons were in the Big Foot Massacre, but were not wounded: (Hunkpapa)
1. Squirrel Bear (m)
2. Tall Hair (m)
3. Lives Reckless (m)
4. John Spotted Bear (m)
5. Red Belt (f)
6. Scarlet Rotation (f)
unendliche Denkmäler gesetzt werden sollten !
Die Verbrechen, welche an ihnen
begangen wurden, müssen endlich angeklagt und gesühnt werden.
Verbrecher und Gangster aller Herren Länder, Abenteurer und Halunken haben diesen Kontinent rücksichtslos erobert und die Ureinwohner umgebracht und versklavt. Ein unbeschreibliches Unrecht - bis heute nicht gesühnt... Die Nachkommen dieser Verbrecher tyrannisieren bis heute die gesamte Welt ! Eine Schande der gesamten Menschheit !
infinite monuments should be erected !
The crimes committed against them
were committed must finally be accused and atoned for.
Criminals and gangsters from all over the world, adventurers and scoundrels have ruthlessly conquered this continent and killed and enslaved the natives. An indescribable injustice - not atoned for until today... The descendants of these criminals tyrannize the whole world until today! A disgrace to all mankind!