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  • There is a certain chance that formerly deep frozen disease carriers will be set free from melting perma frost, which covers 60 % of the surface of Russia alone. It will be interesting to see what has been contained for the last 40.000 years. I wish the article below would have a les dramatic title picture though, but it relates to the piece on an "unitentially" mis-engeneered world.
    The Zombie Diseases of Climate Change
    What lurks in the Arctic’s thawing permafrost?
    • Very scary.
    • Sorry, did not want to scare you but to add information to the article you posted. However, yes, climate change is a frightening thing with plenty of consequences that have to be considered. What happens now with Covid 19 looks to me like a Fast-forward demonstration of the level of desctruction climate change will have on humanity in the long term. To make this point one has to know what is in it for us. Btw, we are here at the end of the third week of lockdown. We live in a city. Among all the serious impact we suffer from - birdsong has returned. Goat from the mountains and wild boars come roaming our empty parks in Barcelona. The air is clean. Strange, that we have to go through all of that to see that there is a value in nature.
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